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Our Mission vision is "Every Christian sharing God's love with hurting people through word and deed". We believe that all Christians are called, gifted and sent. Our desire is to help churches involve their members (women, men and students) in missions and ministry in Jesus' name. 
The Baptist Men

The Baptist Men group of Macedonia strives to be an example of outreach to the community by performing ministry work. We desire to be a strong arm of Macedonia’s ministry and mission by being a visible part of the body of Christ through witness by what we do for the church and the community. Some of our activities include many wood-cuttings in the fall and winter to donate wood for heat for families in need each year in our community and surrounding communities. We are also instrumental in keeping up the grounds of the church to help it be an inviting and beautiful place of worship for our members and visitors. The Baptist Men also perform other landscaping or maintenance duties for peoples’ homes in the area for those homeowners who are unable to do this for themselves. These activities include trimming trees and bushes, cleaning gutters, removing leaves and various other tasks.

We meet first Sunday nights at 5:00 pm, we invite any men of the church to join our fellowship to be a part of a growing, working, and giving group of men who enjoy sharing the love of Christ through action!


The WMU organizations consist of Mission Friends, GA's, and youth on Mission. We stress the importance of missions through learning about missions, praying for missions, giving to missions, and participating in missions.

Our ladies' group Women on Mission meets the first Sunday of every month at 5:00 pm. Our purpose is to promote missions in our church, and the community.  We have been involved in numerous community projects such as making mat for the homeless, providing supplies for the Pregnancy Care Center. Collecting school supplies,  and much more.  Come join us and see what we are about. 

Summer VBS

The youth are actively involved within the community through Vacation Bible School and Backyard Bible Club. We would love to have your child or youth join us as we learn and grow together.

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